Day 12 – Waiting For My Real Life To Begin

February 25, 2009

A couple of years ago I went through the hardest time of my entire life.

During this time, I found this song, Waiting For My Real Life To Begin by Colin Hay, as I was watching Scrubs one night.

It’s amazing, because at that point in time, this song was exactly the cry that my heart was making, and I look at this song as a conversation between God and man.

I hope that this song speaks to you the way it spoke to me.

God, Farkus, Forgiveness and Filthy Cat Pee

February 23, 2009

I’ve talked to a few people over the past couple of days who are having a hard time with guilt.

In that regard, I want to share this video I made back in Sept.  I dedicate this video to Mike, my friend from Day 3’s video.

Guilt and unforgiveness hold us in prisons, either to ourselves or each other. I hope this video helps everyone out who questions their freedom to be free of guilt, and I hope it helps lead to forgiveness – for yourself and with others.

Day 9 – Interview With A Rich Dad Poor Dad *Insider*

February 23, 2009

Many people have heard of the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and it’s author, Robert Kiyosaki. It has, after all, been a best seller for the past couple years.

So what does Robert Kiyosaki think about the current state of our economy? What is he investing in right now that YOU should be aware of?

Find out as I interview Larry Corbi, an *insider* in Robert Kiyosaki’s circle.

Hear what Larry has to say about silver and gold, the economy, and what information you should have on this very important subject.

Special thanks to Larry for taking the time to give me this interview.  I had to drag him away from surfing the sunny shores of LA and his piles of cash.

Visit his website to see training, loads of free advice, and to sign up for his newsletter so that you can stay ahead of the curve.

Day 8 – Interview with a (Digital) Gangsta

February 23, 2009

Wanna know what Eric “The Digital Gangster” Green has to say to new and seasoned internet marketers?

Want to hear what *Valuable* advice he has for people using social media to promote their products and services?

Listen as I *grill* him about what it takes to succeed and prosper in the world of internet/network marketing.

By the way, here is Eric’s Story, taken from his blog at


How in the world did a burned out salesman from North Carolina actually create success online? I mean I didn’t really know anything about Internet Marketing but here is what I did have! Drive, Passion, and a Hunger to succeed.

I have had a lot of struggles over the years trying to build network marketing companies with old school methods and getting kicked in the mouth on a regular basis. The greatest thing you can do is realize that our success is inside you and there is no program or product that can replace the power of your subconscious mind. Please take a look below at what I’ve been able to accomplish over the last year and understand that I can help each one obtain success. If you have no money yet has a desire to win — I can help you.

Remember… I knew nothing!!!

I have been published in a book discussing “New School Marketing Techniques” that is now being sold on The book was written by Bea Fields, and is called “Millennial Leaders.”

Millennial Leaders: Success Stories From Today’s Most Brilliant Generation Y Leaders

I was asked to join the advisory board to represent the U.S. for my Network Marketing Business.

I am a co–founder of GUTz Media Training — a site dedicated to helping people learn the How To’s of Web 2.0 and Rejection Free Marketing Strategies — which has since been turned over to Armando Arias.

I helped form an online community called the GUTz Community! You can google us up if you’d like to.

I co–founded Instant Viral Exposure along with Holly Powell

Bottom line here is I can help you if you are hungry!

Eric Green (a.k.a. “The Digital Gangster”)
Skype id: thedigitalgangster